Psalm 146:3-5 Do not trust in nobles, in a son of man, who cannot save. When his breath leaves him, he returns to the ground; on that day his plans die.

Good morning family,

Saturday’s Prayer with a Cop was spectacular! There were so many beautiful moments, but there is one in particular that I want to share with you. A young man came to eat with his friend, a young woman. He had no idea we would be there, but when he saw us, he brought her over to talk to us. She was very quiet at first, but I was finally able to get her to talk and she shared with me that she had been Catholic, Christian, Buddhist and now didn’t know if God even existed. I asked her what happened with her Christian faith and she shared with me that essentially, Christians proclaim to love like Christ, but do the opposite. Their actions did not speak love. I told her she was absolutely right. We as Christians have failed her and so many others. But I told her: “Don’t be mad at God because we failed you. We are the ones that failed, not God. Jesus loves you.” I mentioned the above verse and told her to not put her faith in man, but in God. After talking for a while, I asked her if she wanted me to pray for her. I didn’t know what she would say, but she looked me right in the eyes and said: Yes, please. After I prayed over her, she smiled and I saw a joy in her eyes that she hadn’t had when we’d begun to talk.

Yesterday morning, one of our FCPO brothers who also spoke with her at the event was working an off-duty job at a church. He sends me a picture smiling from ear to ear and it said: “Look who showed up to CF Miami Springs.” It was this young lady and her friend. They went to church!! My heart was so moved…. I wept for a while.

This was such a great reminder that what we do and say can take someone to Jesus or away from Him. If you are not sure what to do or say, focus on the Jesus Bullseye. What is that? Start with His two greatest commandments: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. 38 This is the greatest and most important command. 39 The second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself.”

May you be a light of love to someone this week.

God bless you,


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