Psalm 1:1-2 The Two Ways
1 How happy is the one who does not walk in the advice of the wicked or stand in the pathway with sinners or sit in the company of mockers!
2 Instead, his delight is in the Lord’s instruction, and he meditates on it day and night.

Good morning family,

For the past few years, I have had many conversations with amazing leaders of our faith. And when I say leaders, I mean those who stand firm in their faith wherever God has placed them. I’ve found that often these leaders have no one to share their burdens or shortcomings with. The reasons vary, but often it’s because of shame, fear or sometimes even pride. They might wonder, how can I share my pain if I am telling people that Jesus is capable of healing all things and I haven’t been healed? Or, What if I share that I am struggling with thoughts of sin and they gossip, telling others about my struggles? This list goes on from here. But I want you all to know that we should never have to walk alone in our struggles.

There is SO much I want to say about this, and I won’t be able to encompass it all in this email, but I want to say this: If someone confides in you, if they share a burden or a wrong, please listen and encourage them. Do not gossip. They have taken a courageous step of sharing an innermost pain with you. That means you are special to them. Help them to release those burdens and then help them to get back on His track. Be vigilant of those around you who may be suffering silently. There are many. 

So the question is. Who do you go to? Where do you go? Jesus is capable of all things, I personally know this. But He has also surrounded us with amazing brothers and sisters to walk things out with us.

Praying we would all have the wisdom, peace, patience and understanding to help someone in need. 
May each of you have a blessed week and a blessed National Police Week. 

God bless you, 

If you want to make love known, you must love the way He loves you ~ Jorge Alessandri

I am a small piece of a broken mirror reflecting something Great. ~ Jorge Alessandri 

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