John 1:38 “When Jesus turned and noticed them following Him, He asked them, “What are you looking for?”

Good morning family,

I’ve been reading a book titled Jesus Continued… by J.D. Greear, and the other day, I read something that I had to highlight, underline, and fold the page for future reference. It said, “Each of us is a book, written by the Holy Spirit about Jesus, for others to read.” What a profound statement! It caused me to reflect on a few questions: What is being written in your book for others to read? What wakes you up in the morning? What causes you to keep going? What are you looking for? And whatever you are looking for, does it allow others to read your life’s story about Jesus?

I know I’ve had my days where I am spiritually coasting, sometimes feeling as if God is nowhere to be found. I know I am also not alone in feeling this way because many have felt the same way–some of you might be feeling this way right now–and this book also talks about that. Greear calls it ” white space,” but he reminds us that in that “white space” is where God writes the most in our lives.

So, I would encourage you to reflect on what you are looking for. Does it align with what God has for you? Are you praying regularly? Are you doing more listening than talking? (This is something I need to work on…) Are you reading His Word everyday, whether you feel like it or not? Are you letting the Holy Spirit write in your book?

I’ll leave you with this. I heard a short story the other day and it went something like this: If you go to the gym for the first time, you won’t see any changes the first day. It may take a while before you see any changes, but at some point, after going consistently, things will begin to change. But you have to be consistent.

Stay consistent in staying connected with Him.

Have a blessed week.

Humbled to serve,


If you want to make love known, you must love the way He loves you ~ Jorge Alessandri

I am a small piece of a broken mirror reflecting something Great. ~ Jorge Alessandri

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