Good morning family,

Isaiah 1:18 “Come now, let us settle the matter,” says the Lord. “Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool.”

Saturday night was a special night. I’ve been blessed to witness so many testimonies and teachings, but what Robert and Elisabet shared was a deep reflection on oneself. Where you are and where you are with God? What are you holding on to? It was a time to reflect on forgiveness, too. I will share some of the questions with you at the end, but first I wanted to share a quick story that hopefully shows the love of Jesus.

Saturday morning, I was making a protein shake. I had added everything into the container and was grabbing the peanut butter to put it away, when the container slipped out of my hand and hit the container at the right spot, knocking it over and splattering the mixture everywhere!! All over the counter, all over the cabinets, on the floor, on the wall, behind the refrigerator. My immediate reaction was to say, Man! My wife heard me and came over, looked and said, “Man!” As I looked at the mess, I didn’t know where to start. My wife grabbed a roll of paper towels and began helping me clean up the disaster I had caused. Why this happened wasn’t immediately clear to me (I’ve done that shake countless times and this hadn’t happened before!), but after hearing Robert and Elisabet’s message Saturday evening, it was beautiful to see the correlation of what my wife was doing for me and what Jesus has done for me. My wife stepped into a mess I caused to help me clean it up, just like Jesus walked into the messes I’ve caused in my life to clean them up.

Jesus can do the same for you, if you allow Him to. Whether you need to be forgiven, you need to forgive someone, you need to come back to Jesus, or whatever mess you’ve been in, He is standing by you with an endless supply of paper towels to help you clean up the mess.

My wife and I got everything cleaned up. You would never know a mess had ever happened. In the same way, Jesus will help wipe away all those past mistakes and will help you forgive yourself and those that have hurt you. “Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool.”

At the beginning of the meeting, Robert and Elisabet provided a handout with deep questions meant to help us reflect on ourselves and our relationships. Here are just three of those:

I pray these help you reflect.

Happy President’s Day!

Humbled to serve,


If you want to make love known, you must love the way He loves you ~ Jorge Alessandri

I am a small piece of a broken mirror reflecting something Great. ~ Jorge Alessandri

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