“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.
Isaiah 55:8-9

Happy Monday family!

Have you ever met someone who has a strong opinion? You mention that you want to visit a place and they go into detail as to why you should or shouldn’t go, even though they might have never even visited the place. You order something to eat and they tell you how bad it is or how good it is for you, and when you ask how they know this, they say: “I heard it once” or “that is what I think.”

Recently, I’ve had many conversations about faith and I’ve found it interesting how many say to me as an absolute that God is this or that. That it is impossible He moves in one direction or another. And when I ask them, where does it say that in the bible, they look at me with a lost look and say: “Well that is what I think.” I follow up and ask, “Have you read the bible?” I usually get a response along the lines of: “I’ve read some.” What this means is that opinions are being stated as fact, without the Word of God as a source, and this can be very damaging.

On a similar topic, have you ever noticed how much time some spend researching something for their job, a craft or maybe a large purchase? They spend hours upon hours, but when asked if they read the bible, they reply, “I don’t have time.” Have you ever analyzed where you spend your time? As usual, I am speaking to myself here… Do we take at least a little bit of time to read His Word? Do we study and learn to understand more so that when a person tells us that God is not real, we have a biblical response?

Have we done our research thoroughly so we’re able to share the hope we have in Christ? I know life can be very busy. But if we don’t know the Word of God, what stops us from discerning what’s true and what’s not from all that is said to us about God?

I know this is not an inspirational devotional, but it is one that God has been laying on my heart to share.

Praying that He may reveal a way for each of you to have some time to read and hear His word.

Blessed by serving,


Also, mark your calendars: Our last meeting of the year will be on November 15th. Detective Chris Mitchell will be speaking about how God strengthened him through the loss of his son.

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