1 Corinthians 3:7 So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow.

Great morning everyone!

Last week, I had an officer approach me. She stayed quiet for a moment and kept looking up. She said she was trying not to cry, but then she asked me: “Do you remember the bible you gave me?” I did. Then, fighting back tears, she told me she had grabbed one of the free books I was giving to officers. She opened the book and read a page, and it convicted her so much that she began to read the bible I had given her. She shared with me that she had accepted Christ. She was a believer!! I was so happy for her that I began to cry.

Here is the backstory…One night, I had a dream with her and in the dream we were talking about God. I told her that she should read the bible to know more about God, and in the dream, she told me she didn’t have one. When I woke up, I was convicted and I set out to get her a bible. This was almost seven years ago.

What an incredible reminder that God speaks to us through dreams, people, and circumstances. We need to be intentional in seeking these “cues” from God. You never know when a seed you planted will take root and grow, as it did with this officer and kind of like it happened in the picture below. Being obedient can change someone’s eternity.

Praying that this week you would hear from God.

Humbled to serve,


I am a small piece of a broken mirror reflecting something Great. ~ Jorge Alessandri

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