Titus 3:5 “he saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit,”

Good morning family,

I wanted to share with all of you that yesterday, on Father’s Day, I got baptized.

To many, this may come as a huge surprise. You may be asking why I waited so long to do this, and it is a legitimate question. I waited because God told me to. I grew up in a church that gave rituals a priority over Jesus, and during my walk I’ve met others whose personal beliefs also took priority over Jesus. This way of thinking places Jesus second and He needs to be first.

As you know, baptism is an outward expression of our faith and anyone who knows me knows where I stand in my faith. I do not shy away from telling anyone about Jesus, but I do so in love. I’ve continued to pray about being baptized over the years and did not know when He would finally want me to do this. Then, recently, I woke up from a dream and felt God telling me that I needed to get baptized on Father’s Day to honor Him–My Father, Our Father. So, I did. My cousin allowed me to use her pool and my uncle, who is a pastor, baptized me.

Baptism is an integral part of our faith, and we are called to do all things like Christ. My specific walk was done in constant prayer and it was not done arbitrarily. I share my story with you, not to discourage you from getting baptized, but to encourage you to seek God in everything you do.

The message He wants me to share with all of you is this: Do not limit yourself by thinking that you cannot share the Good news of Jesus Christ if you have not been baptized, do not have a degree in theology, a Chrisitan title in front of your name or special letters after your name. If you have truly accepted Jesus, let The Holy Spirit ordain your steps. I am an example of an impossibility made possible by Jesus. He made a way for me and He wants the same for you. You have been called to be His hands and feet, especially in a time like this.

The road has already been paved for you. He just wants you to trust Him enough to travel it.

Humbled to serve,


If you want to make love known, you must love the way He loves you ~ Jorge Alessandri

I am a small piece of a broken mirror reflecting something Great. ~ Jorge Alessandri

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