Great morning family,

I wanted to share Mario Rojo’s testimony. It is in part about his journey to accepting Christ in his life. If any of you connect with his story or are in a similar season, he would love to talk to you and hear about your journey. He and his wife Sherry are available to meet as well. I have CC’d Mario on this email, if you would like to reach out directly to him.

Mario loves The Lord and wants you to have the same relationship with Him, if you choose it.

May your week be abundantly blessed.

Humbled to serve,



Road to Redemption

Christ to Cops to Community

This road goes back many decades, in fact, six plus decades. But I do not want to make this my life story, but His story in my life. Back in November of 1980, I met a beautiful young lady who became my wife in 1985. Our marriage started with many dreams of a lifetime of happiness. In 1986 my life’s calling at the time, became a reality when I was hired by the Miami Beach Police Department. It was an exciting time marrying the girl of my dreams and becoming a Law Enforcement Officer. Shortly thereafter we bought our first house and started a family. Our marriage was picture perfect and we seemed to be the perfect couple. Life could not be any better, we thought, as the eighties ended.

But, as I became more and more submerged into the police culture, a culture of darkness and wickedness, I soon found myself embracing that culture. I began a life that was driven by—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life (1 John 2:16). I became sexually immoral, an idolater, and a lover of money (Galatians 5:19-20). This lifestyle continued on and off for many years and that picture perfect marriage was slowly dissolving. Our marriage went from good times to bad throughout the nineties and into the 2000’s; where it finally culminated in a year long separation in 2005. The evil one had almost accomplished his mission to destroy our lives and marriage. But God had a different plan. Although we got back together, we knew of God, but did not embrace Him. Once again as the decade was coming to an end, evil re-entered our marriage. Twenty-five years after that perfect beginning, everything was coming to an end.

In the darkest, saddest times in our lives and marriage, my wife began to attend church with her cousin Nancy. This was the beginning to the “road to redemption.” Although she had told herself that we would not get back together again, she did not file for divorce, but told me I need to attend church. At a time when she felt betrayed and weak, she was actually displaying great strength in Christ (2 Corinthians 2:10). We began to go to church, but my motives for going were all self-centered and hypocritical. This continued until Christ got my attention for the first time on May 6, 2011.

While at home involved in an argument, I passed out in the bathroom from what later was discovered to be a virus that attacked my heart. My wife was in the shower and heard me fall to the floor. Although we did not know it at the time, the next several minutes would change our lives forever. As my wife frantically called 911, shaking me and yelling, “you’re not going to die;” I felt a peace and saw a glimpse of Heaven. As she continued to shake me, I could hear her saying to the 911 dispatcher, “he’s coming back, he’s coming back.” I remember saying to myself, “I don’t want to go back.” This event would have made most people surrender. But as I have told Pastor White many times, cops are the hardest nut to crack. After several months’ of recovering from this virus, I continued to live selfishly and believe I could fix things in my own strength.

Things at home were not getting any better. We were still living in our house, but separated from each other. At the time, I was on the afternoon shift and the only time we would see each other was at church. One Sunday morning in early September 2012, I woke up and got ready for church. I called out to my wife, but there was no answer. I began to look around and then I noticed her car was gone. I had had a late call that night, but with my history she rightly assumed the worst. I texted her and found out she had left without me. I became very angry because Sunday was the only time we spent together. I decided, angry or not, I am going to church.

By this time, we had met some people in church and since I was alone, I did not want to speak to anyone and sat in the corner seats. The message that day was on the fruit of the flesh and the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5). As Pastor White read the fruit of the flesh it felt as if he was staring right at me. All the hurt, pain, lying, selfishness and many more emotions hit me at once. As I sat there fully convicted, I could feel the weight of the world on my shoulders. When the prayer of salvation was offered and a show of hands to confirm the acceptance of Christ in my life was given, I raised both hands. Why both hands? Because that is how I asked others to surrender to me. At that very moment, all that weight I had felt just a few minutes earlier, was lifted off. I heard Him tell me, “you don’t need to try anymore.”

I began to read the Bible and I could feel His presence changing me day by day. During this time, my wife did not know I had surrendered and the situation at home was pretty much the same. One day as we discussed whether I should go on what was going to be our last vacation as a family, my wife turned towards me and said, “why are you still here?” I simply looked at her and said four words, “because I love you.” At that moment, God was introduced into our lives and marriage (God is Love:1 John 4:16). It is hard to put into words all that occurred after this moment, but that was the last time we ever discussed ending our marriage.

So how did this road end? It ended in the happiest decade of our life together! Our marriage is now full of love, joy, peace, patience, goodness, gentleness, kindness, faithfulness, and self-control (Fruits of the Spirit Galatians 5). Although we have had some difficult times with the loss of both our mothers and other family members, my battle with kidney cancer and troubles that life sometimes brings; we have stayed true, faithful, and devoted to loving and serving God. We became members of the church, were Baptized, serve in guest services, led a couples group, and I was honored in becoming a Deacon at Christ Journey and a Chaplain with Miami Beach Police.

Now I am about to embark on what I believe God has been preparing me to do all my life. He has spoken to my heart and asked me to bring the ministry of “Christ to Cops to Community” to law enforcement officers. After a year and a half of prayer, patience, and trust, the ministry has been approved by my Department. So if you were to ask me: Do you regret some of the things that you have done? In my flesh I would tell you absolutely. But in my spirit I would say; this is not my life, but His Story and Glory in my life. Praise be to our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen

Jesus is ready when I am. So, I am ready to be changed.

Mario Rojo

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