Matthew 5:37: But let your ‘yes’ mean ‘yes,’ and your ‘no’ mean ‘no.’

person placing hands on bible

Blessings family,

So much has happened locally with our officers, with one being shot and killed, another committing suicide, another shot (thank God he survived) and two others hurt. As much as this is, it is sadly a small fraction of all that is happening in the world, which brings me to today’s message. As you know, I listen to what God places on my heart. I first reflect on how it looks in my life and then share it with all of you. This last shooting caused me to feel like I am not doing enough to share the hope we have in Jesus. I don’t know how it will change things in my life at this time, but I am praying about it. All I know is that I want to say yes to God and let Him lead me.

I also want to encourage you to take a step of obedience and let your yes to God “mean yes.” As an example, I have a few friends who are part of this ministry who have said to God: “Yes, I am available.” One is in the process of becoming a chaplain, another just finished a chaplaincy course, and yet another has started a prayer and fellowship group.

If you’re thinking, I can’t say yes because I’m just one person, I can’t make a difference, I want you to consider GoFundMe type accounts. In these kinds of accounts, every little bit matters. I email almost 400 people every week. If everyone gave $1.00 to a GoFundMe account, that would be $400.00. If we gave $1.00 a week, that would be $1600.00 a month and if you times it by 12 months, that would be $19,200. All… from a dollar a week.

Let me turn a corner, for some giving money is easy, but showing love to someone, giving of yourself, giving of your time is precious and often more valuable than money. Saying Yes to God has limitless opportunities, but saying No to Him, ends right there.

Praying that each of you would say Yes to God no matter how small it may seem to you.

Humbled to serve,


If you want to make love known, you must love the way He loves you ~ Jorge Alessandri

I am a small piece of a broken mirror reflecting something Great. ~ Jorge Alessandri

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