Matthew 6:22 “The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eye is healthy, your whole body will be full of light. 23 But if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. So if the light within you is darkness, how deep is that darkness!”

Good evening family,

I wanted to share a quick message with all of you. During the last few days, the topic of “eye contact” has come up. It came up in conversation with my son and we spoke about the importance of making eye contact with everyone, including strangers. Then last night, at a gathering, someone shared about the importance of eye contact when we are at church, especially during this season, and then corrected himself and said we should make eye contact with everyone, at all times. And this morning, as we met with my son’s high school college counselor, the topic came up again, as she commended him for his eye contact and how that would prove a benefit during college interviews.

I am the first to admit that I do not do this often enough, but recently, I’ve been trying to let people know through my eye contact that they are seen, they are important, and that they are loved. I’m reminded that so much can be seen through someone’s eyes if we take the time to look.

Praying you will have “eye contact” with all those who have felt unseen.

Have a blessed week.

Humbled to serve,


If you want to make love known, you must love the way He loves you ~ Jorge Alessandri

I am a small piece of a broken mirror reflecting something Great. ~ Jorge Alessandri

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