Matthew 1:23 “The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel” (which means “God with us”).

Great morning everyone and Merry CHRISTmas!

This is going to be a longer devotional than usual, but if there was ever a day to do it, it would be today on the birth of Our Saviour.

Several years ago, we as a ministry would go down South to the area of Goulds and pass out food, bibles and pray with the community. It was an incredible opportunity to help heal much of the brokenness we are seeing today. One year, a mutual friend of my wife and I reached out to see if I wanted to go to Goulds to bless children with gifts on Christmas day. The issue was that my wife’s family had spent the night and we had made plans for Christmas day, but I felt convicted to go. So I did.

As I prepared to go, I was told we first had to go somewhere else first. Initially, I was bothered because selfishly, I only wanted to go down South since I love going there. However, I swallowed my selfishness and met our friend and a team from my church at the new location. All I had been told was that this would be a pseudo correctional camp for unaccompanied minors who had been brought to the U.S. illegally. Most of the children were Hispanic and ranged in age from 10 to 17 years old. A young man from our group opened up in a prayer in Spanish, and it was such a beautiful and heartfelt prayer. Then, we gave the children gifts. Seeing the joy in their eyes when they opened the gifts moved me. Many held them and began to cry. At the end, my wife’s friend asked if I could pray. I balked. Why me? I asked her why she didn’t have the young man pray who’d done so beautifully. If anyone has heard me speak Spanish, you’ll know I don’t speak Spanish well. Besides, these kids knew I was a police officer as I was wearing my FCPO shirt, and an officer put them there. Why would they want to hear from me and what would I say? She said God told her to tell me to pray.

I reluctantly agreed and as I walked up to the front I prayed and asked God to please give me His words so these kids would be blessed for Christmas. God gave me the words and had me remind them of the moment of joy they felt when they opened their gifts. It is for a moment. Material gifts bring joy for a moment, but leave as quickly as they came. I asked them, “Do you want to feel that joy forever? That is the joy that Jesus brings.” I then prayed with them to accept Christ.

No one raised their hands. I raised my eyes and said, “Lord, I did what you asked me to do, but no one is ready to receive you.” As I turned to leave, though, one boy raised his hand, and then another and another and another. About 20 kids raised their hands–it was a Christmas Miracle!! These children received THE GREATEST GIFT ever given!

If you are hoping to receive a gift today that is The Gift you have been waiting for, remember that this joy is only temporary. The item(s) you get today will be used and outdated tomorrow. But Jesus came to be The Ultimate Gift, The Gift that knows no end, The Gift that gives forever, The Gift of Grace.

If you have never received this gift, receive it today. His Gift is free, no contract needs to be signed, no monies exchanged. All you need is an open heart. If you don’t know how, pray this prayer to Him.


I stand before you seeking peace, seeking joy, seeking stability in my life. I need to feel your presence. My heart yearns for things to fill the gaps that I have in my heart. Father, please come into my heart, come into my life and fill the emptiness, replace all those desires I have that continue to lead me down the same path. Father, I ask that you please forgive me of all my sins, make me new, come into my life and be My Lord and Savior. Father, You overcame death and can overcome my failures. Pour Your love and Your grace over me.

It is in your precious name of Jesus, I pray!


Merry CHRISTmas everyone!!

Humbled to serve,


I am a small piece of a broken mirror reflecting something Great. ~ Jorge Alessandri

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