
Romans 5:3 “And not only that, but we also boast in our afflictions, because we know that affliction produces endurance, 4 endurance produces proven character, and proven character produces hope. 5 This hope will not disappoint us, because God’s love has been poured out in our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us.”

In the past few months, I have spoken to many incredible men and women who have been challenged by health issues, family issues, work issues, the loss of a loved one(s), and the list goes on from there. Recently, it has increased. I know our afflictions produce endurance, but I still often ask God: Why are things so hard? Why can’t things be easier for them? They spend so much time dealing with these issues that it takes time away from being able to do more for You and we live in such a lost world that we need them.

I am often reminded that it is in these times that we need to be praying more fervently than ever. There is a reason Paul wrote: “Pray without ceasing” or pneuma or breath. Pray the same way you breathe, continuously. I know our prayers at times seem unanswered, but we have all had an answered prayer at some point in our life. Hold on to those moments where you witnessed God’s hand move. This world offers many challenges, distractions and uncertainty, but His promises offer clarity, certainty and ultimately an eternity of peace.

May we all take this time as The Body of Christ to lift each other up in prayer. There are many of your brothers and sisters that need your intercessory prayers.

Have a blessed week everyone.

Humbled to serve,


If you want to make love known, you must love the way He loves you ~ Jorge Alessandri

I am a small piece of a broken mirror reflecting something Great. ~ Jorge Alessandri

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