Ephesians 6:18 Pray at all times in the Spirit with every prayer and request, and stay alert with all perseverance and intercession for all the saints.

God bless you, family!

Several months ago, our agency received a request to assist with the Presidential Inauguration and, since I had never attended, I threw my name into the hat and was selected to attend. Then, we had the situation that unfolded at The Capital and I was fairly positive we would not be attending, but every door continued to open. I prayed and asked God to close the door if He didn’t want me to go, but if He did, to please show me what I needed to do. So very early last Monday, we met at the station. Before we left on the bus, I was asked to pray over us and I prayed that God would keep His great hand over us and protect everyone assisting in this detail.

We arrived at the airport and there was an issue with my seat on the plane. They had oversold the seats, so three of us had none. While my colleagues began to board, we waited. Finally, the airline resolved the issue. When I boarded, the flight attendant asked me to wait because someone was sitting in my seat and they were moving that person to first class. I joked and said I would sacrifice and take the first class seat. She laughed and thanked me for my patience. A short time later, she walked up to me and handed me a ticket. I told her that I already had a ticket with my seat number and thanked her. She insisted, though, saying she had moved me. Then, she pointed to a seat. It turns out I was moved to a seat in first class! I had never sat in first class before.

I thanked God and prayed, not because I was in first class but because everyone saw that I had no seat and was then placed in first class. The first officer that walked off the plane told me, “Jesus was with you!” I said, “Yes, He was!” Multiple officers came up to me talking about the power of prayer and that they needed to pray more. I told them that I went from no seat to first class. God is able to do all things.

There is SO much more to share, but it would be too long. But this detail caused many many to pray. I even had some friends who do not pray out loud do so over me before I left. And while on this detail, I had many ask if I could pray over them. God moved before us and did not allow anything to happen to any of us. Our prayers were answered.

This was such an amazing reminder that we have to pray without ceasing, even when you feel that it is pointless.

Just Pray!

May you pray through whatever stands before you today knowing that Our Father is able.

God bless you,


I am a small piece of a broken mirror reflecting something Great. ~ Jorge Alessandri

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