Below we have two requests for assistance. The first is for Cpl. Hancsak. Please keep all of them in prayer and the second is for one of my colleagues who loves helping the community.
– Jorge

“On behalf of Cpl. Hancsak, and his family, we are asking if anyone can assist in donating blood, please do so.

The qualifications to help would be the following.
• AB+ or AB-
• Had to have COVID already AND recovered.

You can donate at any One Blood location (888-936-6283)

* Let One Blood know you are making a direct deposit to William Hancsak at Delray Medical Center*”

“Operation Doody Diaper”

Did you know that our government does not recognize diapers as a basic need? Since diapers are not eligible for federally subsidized food stamps or WIC, the cost of diapers puts an enormous financial strain on struggling families who are just trying to make ends meet. It’s nearly impossible for low income families to afford enough clean diapers for their children without the help of organizations like the Miami Diaper Bank. It’s reported that 1 in 3 American Families have to choose between diapers and/or other basic needs like food. NO PARENT should ever have to choose between providing the basic necessities for their family. This doesn’t just affect low income families; it affects working parents too.

On Friday February 5th, the Miami Beach Police Department in conjunction with the Miami Diaper Bank is holding a “Diaper Drive” to collect enough diapers to fill a UHaul truck. All diapers collected are being donated to the Miami Diaper Bank as they continue their efforts to assist those families in need.

Won’t you please join us as the City of Miami Beach comes together to provide families with some help that they so desperately need.

Friday, February 5, 2021
10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Miami Beach Police Department
1100 Washington Avenue
Miami Beach, FL 33139

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