Romans 10:9 “if you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.

A man walking towards a Christian cross

Blessings family,

Over the years, I have been challenged a few times about the choice to accept Christ. The question commonly asked is: “Why do I have to make a choice to accept?” But we make countless choices every day, I tell them. Do I eat breakfast? Do I buy an item? Do I do a task at work that is required of me? Do I follow the speed limit? The list goes on and on…. Each of these choices have benefits or consequences, depending on what we choose. But, all of the choices are of worldly things. They only affect us here and only affects the limited time we have here on Earth.

The decision to accept Christ, however, is a choice that impacts our eternity.

I’ve also been told: “I can’t accept Christ because I can’t give up_______. I’m not able….” I smile when they tell me this because, yes, they are right, they cannot on their own. But, God can. Make the choice to give Him your cross and He will change you from the inside out. Whatever is holding you prisoner, He will set you free from it. Do not worry about making changes in your life, He will move you in an amazing way, and the changes will come. I am a living testimony of this. But you have to make a choice. Do you want Jesus in your life, to fully and freely fill you or not?

I pray that if you haven’t already, you accept Christ so that He may break all the chains that have kept you captive.

Humbled to serve,


I am a small piece of a broken mirror reflecting something great. ~ Jorge Alessandri

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