Just as many have shared messages both verbally and silently, I, too, have felt led to share a message. This is for all of the righteous police officers, both active and retired, regardless of race, religion or beliefs. Read carefully what I am about to tell you: YOU ARE AWESOME! I know countless officers who have faithfully served the communities they work in and to those officers, thank you!

Recently, I have spoken to many officers who are experiencing a wave of different emotions. Some are angry. Some feel anxious, sad, overwhelmed. Some just want to cry. Let me be the first to tell you that it is okay to feel this way. Do not feel less than because of your emotions–you are NOT. We are not robots as much as some people think we are. Now, this is where the “but” comes in: You can feel all of those emotions, including anger, BUT remember what you were called to do: To Serve and Protect. I know this has become difficult, especially since we are being pooled into the same evil that we were called to fight against, a contrast made stronger on the heels of being loved because we were faithfully serving our communities through the COVID-19 pandemic.

I know this is so hard for you, but hold on to the fact that you are not alone. We hear you! Keep standing the line between good and evil and do not allow that line to become blurred. There are many who still love you and support you. I also know what it is like to not hear from family and friends during these difficult times, but that will not sway me from being a righteous police officer and being proud of my calling. Hold your head up high. Many are unable or unwilling to step into our shoes, not even for a moment. We run to horrible situations to save lives when most run from far less. So, to all of the police officers who have honorably served, keep doing what you are doing and lift those up around you who are feeling burdened. You matter! #BlueLivesMatterToo

Be safe!

I also want to speak to my brothers and sisters in Christ who are also police officers. I had a pastor friend of mine ask this question: Are you a police officer who happens to be a Christian or are you a Christian who happens to be a police officer? I am a Christian who happens to be a police officer, but both make up who I am. Spiritually speaking, many of us are being pulled into a battle of the flesh. I heard this verse and it impacted me: Joshua 5:13-15 Now when Joshua was near Jericho, he looked up and saw a man standing in front of him with a drawn sword in his hand. Joshua went up to him and asked, “Are you for us or for our enemies?” “Neither,” he replied, “but as commander of the army of the Lord I have now come.”

That is our calling in and through Jesus. We need to look to Him as our guide. Jesus was persecuted for crimes He did not commit and was crucified next to two criminals who did commit crimes. His eyes were on The One and True Kingdom. Stand strong in who you are in Christ. Know that you have His authority over any and all chaos that is stirred by the enemy. This division is not of God. Jesus did not come to save some. He came to save all who fall short of His glory and we all fall short. I am praying for a renewed Spirit of Strength and Peace. And may we continue to be His Hands and Feet in the midst of this storm.

Humbled to serve,


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